Species details
Sphegina clunipes (Fallén, 1816)
BiologyThe larva is found in sap-runs and other accumulations of decaying sap under bark or in tree holes, usually in damp shaded places. It is found in lush, damp undergrowth in deciduous woodland, including carr woodland, wooded river banks and fenland scrub. In southern England, adults prefer shady situations and they are rarely found beyond dappled shade. However, in northern areas, especially Scotland, it can be very abundant in open situations, often visiting flowers such as Tormentil Potentilla erecta and Hemlock Water Dropwort Oenanthe croccata.
DistributionThis is the most frequent member of the genus. It is mainly found in woodland but is also found in more open situations around the edges of conifer forests in northern Britain where it can be very abundant. It appears to favour wetter places and is consequently commoner in western and northern areas. Northern specimens are often more colourful.