Species details

Paragus albifrons (Fallén, 1817)


This species has been recorded from coastal localities and generally thermophilic conditions such as coastal shingle and limestone grassland. There are continental records of the larva being predacious upon aphids on Restharrow Ononis repens, on Aphis fabae on Sea Beet Beta vulgaris, Creeping Thistle Cirsium arvense and Goat's-beard Tragopogon pratensis, and Aphis fabae-solanella on Black Nightshade Solanum nigrum.


Historically, this species has been recorded from southern England from East Suffolk to Dorset. P. albifrons appears to have undergone a dramatic contraction in range such that it has been recorded very few times since the 1980's when it was recorded from sites on the Thames Estuary and from South Hampshire. Historically, it was known from a number of localities in Dorset, but must be assumed to have gone from that county because it has been intensively surveyed for the past 25 years. The few recent records are from sites on the southern side of the Thames Estuary which are threatened by industrial developments.


CRITICALLY ENDANGERED - Ball & Morris, 2010. Vulnerable (RDB2) - Falk, 1991. Rare (RDB3) - Shirt, 1987.