Species details
Neoascia obliqua Coe, 1940
BiologyThe larva of this species remains unknown, but other members of the genus are semi-aquatic, inhabiting accumulations of wet, organic matter. Found amongst lush vegetation in marshes and water margins in sheltered locations, such as at the edges of wet woods and wooded streams.
DistributionWidely distributed but generally scarce, with most records from northern England and Scotland. It appears to be particularly associated with beds of Butterbur Petasites hybridus and can be found in these situations when specifically sought. This recording technique has led to an increase in our knowledge of its distribution which is mainly northern and western, especially in the Pennines.
StatusWas listed as "Notable" by Falk, 1991, but dropped from this status by Ball & Morris, 2010 who consider it LOWER RISK.