Species details

Meligramma trianguliferum (Zetterstedt, 1843)


Syrphus triangulifer Zetterstedt in Coe (1953), Melangyna triangulifera (Zetterstedt) in Stubbs & Falk (1983).


The larva, which is convincingly camouflaged as a bird dropping (see photograph in Rotheray, 1993), feeds on a range of aphids on trees, especially fruit trees and shrubs. Generally found around trees along woodland rides and edges or amongst scrub, including isolated patches of scrub on heathland and moorland. Adults appear elusive and may be arboreal, but can be found visiting flowers, especially white umbels.


Scarce but widely distributed in England, with a tendency to be more frequent in the south. There are very few, widely scattered records in northern England, Wales and Scotland.


Listed as "Notable" by Falk, 1991, but Ball & Morris, 2010 dropped it from this status and regard it as LOWER RISK.