Species details
Meligramma guttatum (Fallén, 1817)
NomenclatureSyrphus guttatus Fallén in Coe (1953), Melangyna guttata (Fallén) in Stubbs & Falk (1983).
BiologyThis is a woodland species that occurs on wooded riverbanks, wet woodland and carr and in northern Sycamore Acer pseudoplatanus woods. The larva is predaceous upon aphids and have been recorded feeding upon the aphid Drepanosiphum platanoides on Sycamore. The adults are flower visitors and have been recorded at Hogweed Heracleum sphondylium.
DistributionThis is a widely distributed species across England, Scotland and Wales, but one that appears to be somewhat more frequent in northern England. Post-1990 records include East Cornwall, North and South Somerset, Carmarthenshire, Glamorganshire, Meirionnydd, Derbyshire, South Yorkshire, Westmorland, Ayrshire, North Ebudes and East Invernesshire.
StatusLower Risk (Nationally scarce) - Ball & Morris, 2010. Notable - Falk, 1991. Rare (RDB3) - Shirt, 1987.