Species details
Heringia vitripennis (Meigen, 1822)
NomenclatureCnemodon vitripennis Meigen in Coe (1953), Neocnemodon vitripennis (Meigen) in Stubbs & Falk (1983). This species was separated from H. pubescens in 1955 and earlier records of these two species are likely to be confused.
BiologyThe larva is predatory on adelgid bugs and have also been found attacking the woolly aphid Dreyfusia picea on Firs Abies sp., and coccids on Lombardy Poplar Populus italica. Associated with a range of woodland types including conifer plantations and even urban parks and mature gardens. Adults visit a range of low growing flowers, but also flowering shrubs. They have been caught in numbers in water traps set among brambles Rubus sp.
DistributionThough still infrequent, this is the least scarce member of the genus. Records are primarily concentrated south of a line between the Mersey and the Humber, but there are scattered records from Wales, northern England and Scotland.