Species details
Heringia pubescens (Delucchi & Pschorn-Walcher, 1955)
NomenclatureNeocnemodon pubescens Delucchi & Pschorn-Walcher in Stubbs & Falk(1983). It was separated from H. vitripennis in 1955 and earlier records of these two species are likely to be confused.
BiologyA significant proportion of records are from conifer woodlands. The larvae of Heringia appear to be predaceous upon aphids and H. pubescens seems most likely to be associated with conifer aphids. It has been known to occur in considerable numbers in some coniferous woodlands. Adults have been noted to visit a range of woodland edge flowers, including Dogs Mercury Mercuralis perennis and Snowberry Symphoricarpos albus but are more commonly found flying low down amongst vegetation or sun-basking on leaves.
DistributionA widely distributed species that occurs in southern England as far north as Yorkshire and then appears again in the Highlands of Scotland. This seeming disjunct distribution may be indicative of two separate populations or possibly recorder effort.
StatusLower risk (Nationally scarce) - Ball & Morris, 2010. Notable - Falk, 1991.