Species details

Eupeodes latifasciatus (Macquart, 1829)


Syrphus latifasciatus Macquart in Coe (1953), Metasyrphus latifasciatus (Macquart) in Stubbs & Falk (1983).


The larva has been found feeding on root aphids. In laboratory cultures it will feed on a wide range of aphids associated with low growing herbs and shrubs. Generally found in wetland situations, with a preference for wet meadows with Juncus or other lush vegetation. Adults visit a range of white and yellow flowers of low growing species, often in the vicinity of water.


Widely distributed but scarce, with the number of records varying greatly from year to year. This suggests that it may be a migrant, or at least boosted in abundance in some years by immigration. There is a heavier concentration of records south of the southern uplands of Scotland.